Kim Moser is a registered nurse with a specialty in Neonatal ICU and flight nursing. She founded  and served as the NKY Director for the office of Drug Control Policy from 2014 to 2018 and currently serves on the Northern Kentucky Drug Control Policy Board – an office that works to stem the tide of heroin and addiction in our region. Kim has been instrumental in helping pass legislation to combat the heroin epidemic and she is determined to save lives and improve community wellbeing.

Kim is fiscally conservative while keeping her focus on solutions for the district. She is known to get the ball rolling on healthcare reform and economic growth. Kim was a recipient of the Chamber MVP Award in 2019 for her pro-business policies. Our families deserve the kind of government leadership that ultimately moves the needle on our most-pressing issues, and Kim has proven herself to be a vigilant fighter for our local families.

Kim and her husband Neal have been married for 39 years. They have five sons and three grandchildren. Kim enjoys working with and is honored to represent the 64th district and she has been the recipient of the Chamber MVP Award since 2019.

Background in the Healthcare Industry:

Kim is passionate about healthcare and medical legislative issues. She has experience fighting for political reform at the local, state and national level.

  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Spalding University (1984).
  • Graduate work in Hospital Design from University of Kentucky College of Architecture (1992-94)
  • Experience as a registered nurse in Neonatal Intensive Care Units as well as a flight nurse for the UK Neonatal Transport Team.
  • Medical Consultant during construction of Children’s Hospital ICU towers.
  • Elected Chair of the Kentucky Physicians’ PAC (KPPAC) in September of 2013, making her the first non-physician to chair a Physician’s PAC nationally.
  • President of the American Medical Association Alliance, 2017-2018.

Experience Fighting the Heroin & Drug Epidemic

  • Founding Director of the Office of the Northern Kentucky Drug Control Policy, working to eliminate the scourge of heroin and substance abuse.
  • Serves on the regional board of the NKY Office of Drug Control Policy.
  • Served on the Coordinating Council of the Northern KY Heroin Impact Response Task Force as a Legislative Liaison.
  • Working as a State Representative to craft legislation that seeks to combat the epidemic of Substance Misuse, Addiction, and Mental health disorders


Kim Moser